Last week, noted pastor and Christian writer, David Jeremiah, gave a dire warning. He said: “I’ve never been the voice of doom and gloom. . . However, the soul of America is at stake (in this Tuesday’s presidential election) because the values and principles that secured this country’s greatness are being threatened. America faces a critical situation today. Our secular society has mounted the most aggressive attack on moral values in America’s history. . . While I have always said that your political persuasion has nothing to do with your personal salvation, I am careful to point out that some issues considered political are nothing more than biblical issues that have been dragged into the political arena. In this election, we face many such issues, critical moral decisions that will shape the days ahead. As Christians, we carry a dual responsibility to the state and to God, and we cannot afford to neglect either one.”[1] Is David Jeremiah overreacting in saying so much is at stake? Can it really be that bad? After hearing his remarks, I read about something that got me thinking more seriously about his warning.
It was a news article about the Methodist Ladies’ College in Melbourne, Australia. According to this article, an unnamed student reported the following: “My friend was wearing a cross, and there was another girl in our class who said she found the cross really offensive, and so the teacher told her to take it off. My friend’s parents, who are very religious, tried to get answers from the school and were told, ‘It’s not a good look for the school.’” The college based its decision to ban the wearing of crosses on its strict dress code. But, that’s odd because The Christian Post reported several other instances at this college where other students were permitted “to wear furry ears, tails, and rainbow-themed items.” Other students, however, supported this young lady’s right to wear the cross stating: “This is supposed to be a religious school, but they are listening to minority opinion rather than mainstream religious students.” Support was also provided in the blog of nearby pastor, Murray Campbell, who posted: “Well done to the girls who are standing up to the bullish behavior of the school. Well done to the students who are defending their fellow students, whether they are of Christian faith or not.” [2]
The college administration, however, was apparently unmoved by the pastor’s comments and responded: “This [dress code) policy applies equally to all students and is not related to religion or any individual’s beliefs. It ensures that every student adheres to the same standard of presentation, fostering unity within our diverse community.”[3] But, historian and author, Stephen Chavura, was unimpressed with the colleges’ position. He was quoted in a news interview as boldly defending the cross-wearing-student: “We know now that the word ‘inclusivity’ means ‘exclusivity,’ and the word ‘diversity’ means ‘uniformity,’ but I want to praise these girls for standing up to woke bullying. Wear your crosses, if you have a cross turn up to school and wear it, send a message to other students and teachers and to the school in general, that this is a Christian school, it is not a Marxist woke school.”[4]
This is exactly the kind of thing that David Jeremiah is concerned about. It is another example of the values and principles of western society crumbling before our very eyes and being replaced by hostile, anti-Christian values. But hey—this is in Australia. That country is an entirely different continent, thousands of miles away. Why would anything happening in Australia be of any concern to us here in the U.S.A.?
Well, British attorney Andrea Williams tells us why things happening in other parts of the world are worthy of our attention. Williams is the founder of the organizations known as Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre. Last Sunday, she was invited to speak to over a million people in Seoul, Korea who were participating in Reformation Sunday. The urgency of her message came about due to proposed legislation that the South Korean government is considering. This new legislation is sponsored by the LGBTQ movement and would embrace ideology completely contrary to the morality sent forth in God’s Word.[5] The Bible in both the Old Testament and in the New Testament states in numerous places that homosexual relationships are contrary to God’s will. In the Old Testament, Leviticus 18:22 is crystal clear: “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” (NLT2) In the New Testament, 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 state that those who indulge in sexual sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God—meaning they won’t be allowed in Heaven. Among those sexual sins listed are those “who practice homosexuality”—in other words, unless they repent, they are headed for Hell.[6] As set forth in Romans 1:24-28, the same biblical prohibitions apply to lesbians as well.[7]
Speaking from her own experience in Great Britain, Andrea Williams knows that LBGTQ supportive legislation has functioned to boost the acceptability of gay lifestyles at the expense of Christians who attempt to voice any opposition based upon biblical precepts. In addition, other immoral practices, such as unbridled abortions or the promotion of transgender ideologies have piggy-backed onto this wave of sinful activities. If this new legislation were to pass in South Korea, Ms. Williams predicts that Koreans will experience the same sad societal decline in moral values as was the case in Britain. This is what Ms. Williams had to say: “We have removed Jesus from public life. People do not know who Jesus is. They do not know that He is the Savior of the world. We have removed Him from the classroom, and we are embarrassed by our Christian heritage. We have legislated for the right to kill our unborn children, 10.4 million [of them]. We have legislated to redefine family and marriage by saying two men and two women can be married and have children. We have legislated to say that a man can change sex to be a woman and a woman to a man. Our equality, diversity, anti-discrimination and hate laws enshrined this as the new normal.” She went on to point out that if any Christian stands up for God’s Word in any manner critical of these laws, they are punished. Ms. Williams described this “world-turned-up-side-down” like this: “Sin is protected in law and godliness is punished. Street preachers are regularly put in jail. Workers can lose their jobs for offering Bibles or prayer. Doctors, nurses and parents are being reported to their employers, the police or terrorism squads unless they promote the LGBTQ agenda … bank accounts are closed and charity status is removed.” Then, she offered this dire prediction: “If Korea adopts the same anti-discrimination legislation, the consequences will come much faster [than it did in Great Britain].” [8]
And how did this happen in Great Britain? Sadly, Ms. Williams said that the one institution that could have done so much to stop this immoral trend, but failed was . . . the Christian Church. Church leaders shirked their duty to God and to their congregations by remaining silent and offering no opposition at all. Even more sadly, some pastors even supported the immoral philosophies that are completely opposed to the basic morality that the Bible teaches.[9] Could it happen here? We can answer that question with a rhetorical question: Hasn’t it already happened? It certainly has. It has been happening in America for a long time now. So, with that being the case—why is David Jeremiah so concerned about it now? If all this has been coming about in our society for years, what’s so special about Tuesday’s presidential election? David Jeremiah is concerned that, if one of the candidates is elected, Christians are going to be subjected to a whole new set of game rules.
In the past, most of the assaults on Christians in America, who have stood up for their faith, have been initiated by unbelieving private citizens. For example, bakers and website designers have been hauled into court for refusing to deliver their services in a manner contrary to their Christian values. Athletic coaches were fired because they were so bold as to exercise their rights to pray. Some lower courts and state governments have supported the persecution of these Christians. But, now we have someone who could potentially be sitting in the White House sponsoring and enforcing laws that will attempt to force Christians to give up their sincerely held religious views. In an interview last Tuesday on NBC News, the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, expressed her intent to have Congress pass legislation permitting nationwide elective abortions under all circumstances. When asked if she would allow any exemptions for healthcare providers, including those who oppose abortions on religious grounds based upon their faith, she responded: “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we are talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body.”[10] No one is opposed to a woman making decisions about her own body when it’s her body that is the sole matter at issue. But, what about the little bodies of those innocent, unborn babies? If abortions are allowed in all cases, as Ms. Harris would have it, who’s going to look out for their interests? Of course, being on NBC, the interviewer wouldn’t have dared to ask her that question. Had he done so, Ms. Harris would have likely done the typical political dance and avoided the question. Let’s leave it to the Lord as to what’s in her heart.
If the British attorney, Andrea Williams, is correct, then the outcome of Tuesday’s presidential race could put us much closer to government sponsored persecution than anyone would have thought possible just a few years ago. My sermon today could end up being treated as a hate-speech crime. We may end up having to add a new category to our church budget for funds to bail the preacher out of jail! So yes, David Jeremiah’s concerns are completely legitimate. His alarm echoes that expressed by another Jeremiah centuries ago when he recited God’s verdict upon an equally unhinged society: “My people have done two evil things: They have abandoned Me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!” Jeremiah 2:13 (NLT2)[11] And, what are these “cracked cisterns” from which the ungodly try to drink? They are those polluted cisterns that I mentioned earlier—the “cisterns” of the LGTBQ and transgender movements, and those “wicked cisterns” filled with the blood of helpless, unborn babies slaughtered in the name of a woman’s “right” to an abortion.
We are now on the verge of an election that could potentially put someone in the White House who will do exactly what the unfaithful among God’s people did about 26 centuries ago. Previously, the Prophet Isaiah warned: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20, NIV) The words of the Prophet Amos are equally applicable to them: “[They] treat the righteous like dirt.” Amos 5:7b (NLT2) All this present day turmoil may well be another sign that the End of Time is near. For as Jesus said: 9 “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are My followers. 10 And many will turn away from Me and betray and hate each other. 11 And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. 12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:9-13 (NLT2)
Today, we, the people of the Church, are called to endure—no matter who is elected president. Some take that to mean that we just sit on the sideline and wait to see how it all turns out. But, that is not the case. We are also called to participate in the world of politics by voting in a manner consistent with God’s Word. Notice that I said, “IN” the world of politics. That does not mean we “belong” to the world of politics—just as we don’t belong to any other worldly things. Rather, we belong to Jesus, and we follow His Word—regardless of whatever politicians may say. Why do we take this position? We do it because Jesus said: “I have given them your Word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.” John 17:14 (NLT2) We pay a price for taking that Christian position. And, we shouldn’t be surprised by that since Jesus warned us: “The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.” John 15:19 (NLT2)
Now, as a sidebar, let me make something clear regarding what I have said here. What I am preaching is not “hate-speech.” I don’t hate homosexuals. I don’t hate women who have had abortions. They are no greater sinners than I am. So, I am not trying to single out the LGBTQ community, or women who’s health might be jeopardized by childbirth. I am simply making known to them, and to you, what God’s Word says about these matters concerning human sexuality, as well as abortion. With respect to human sexuality, I would assume there is a great deal more heterosexual sin between males and females going on in this world. It happens every time a man or a woman engages in sex with someone of the opposite gender who is not their spouse. Again, the Old and New Testaments clearly hold such activities to be a sin in God’s eyes. In the Old Testament, you can look to the 7th Commandment: “You must not commit adultery.” Exodus 20:14 (NLT2) Paul stated in his letter to the church in Corinth: 18 “Run from sexual sin!” [This includes both homosexual sin and heterosexual sin. Paul continued by saying:] “No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” 1st Corinthians 6:18-20 (NLT2) So, if the heterosexual sinner believes that he or she is somehow exempt from these Scriptures, then they need to think again. Sin is sin, whether its homosexual sin or heterosexual sin.
Christian writer and speaker, Randy Alcorn, once said: “I have godly friends who continuously say no to homosexual temptations (beginning with lust) and others who continuously say no to heterosexual temptations (beginning with lust). We are also to say no to greed, envy, pride, temptations to theft and slander and many other things, and are to say yes to the righteous nature of Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to resist sin. This is often difficult, but not impossible, by the grace and power of God.”[12]
Concerning the issue of abortion, or a woman’s so-called “right” to make her own decisions relating to her body—those who hate Christians for being against abortion use an old lawyer tactic. They deliberately distort the Christian stance on abortion by making it sound like Christians oppose abortions under any circumstances. They claim that Christians would force a woman to have her baby even if it jeopardized the life of the woman, or even if the woman’s pregnancy came about as the result of the criminal act of rape or incest. That is simply not the position of the majority of Christians. Yes, we understand that there are some rare cases that a woman would have to make such a deeply personal decision as to whether to abort her baby. But, Christians for the most part, are compassionate enough to recognize that difficult choices sometimes need to be made by a woman under such exceptional circumstances. What Christians are opposed to is this: We are opposed to the indiscriminate killing of unborn babies as a matter of convenience when an abortion is treated as just another means of birth control. The reality is that this is the case in the vast number of abortions when the woman’s health is not at issue and the sex that brought about that unborn baby was consensual. But, Ms. Harris’ statement points to a governmental policy whereby ALL abortions would be legalized whatever the circumstances might be. And, here’s the important point for you to consider: Through her own statement, it is clear that faithful Christians will face serious reprimands if they refuse to facilitate or support the killing of those unborn babies in the wombs of perfectly healthy women. That is simply not acceptable.
Look—I agree with David Jeremiah when he says that a person’s political affiliation—whether they are a Democrat or a Republican—has absolutely nothing to do with their personal salvation. And, I have to tell you—I’m not crazy about voting for either Mr. Trump or Ms. Harris. It’s like asking me if I’d like to have a breakfast of chitlins or pig brains. Quite honestly, they would both turn my stomach. But, you have got to eat something on the menu and the only two choices we have is a plate of Trump or a plate of Harris—as un-tasty as those two choices may be. So, if you haven’t voted, you have still got tomorrow and Tuesday to do so. Just remember, when you fill out that ballot—David Jeremiah is 100% correct: THERE IS A LOT AT STAKE!
But, I hope something else is NOT at stake for you and those who are your friends and relatives. I think vice presidential candidate, J. D. Vance, said it best recently during a town hall meeting: “This is my most important advice, whether you vote for me, whether you vote for Donald Trump, [or] whether you vote for Kamala Harris—don’t cast aside family members and lifelong friendships. Politics is not worth it, and I think if we follow that principle, we’ll heal the divide in this country.”[13] I’d have to say, that advice would get my vote!
Darvin Satterwhite, Pastor
Forest Hill Baptist Church
November 3, 2024
©2024 All Rights Reserved as follows:
Anyone is at liberty to use this sermon or any portions thereof for educational or religious purposes, with or without credit. The pastor believes the material presented herein to be true to the teaching of Scripture, and desires to further, not restrict, its potential use as an aid in the study of God’s Word. The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Forest Hill Baptist Church in Louisa, Virginia.
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[1] Michael Foust, “David Jeremiah Warns ‘The Soul of America Is at Stake’ in Tuesday’s Election,” Crosswalk Headlines, (October 30, 2024).
[2] Milton Quintanilla, Crosswalk Headlines, “Students Take a Stand after School Labels Cross Necklace ‘Offensive,’” (October 28, 2024).
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Katelyn Webb, “UK lawyer warns Christians of cultural consequences of LGBT laws: ‘Sin protected, godliness punished’” Christian Post (October 29, 2024).
[6] 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 9 “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.” (NLT2)
[7] Romans 1:24-27 24 So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. (NLT2)
[8] Katelyn Webb, “UK lawyer warns Christians of cultural consequences of LGBT laws: ‘Sin protected, godliness punished’” Christian Post (October 29, 2024).
[9] Ibid.
[10] Michael Gryboski, “Kamala Harris says no to ‘religious exemptions’ in national abortion law if elected,” The Christian Post (October 23, 2024).
[11] See also: Katelyn Webb, “UK lawyer warns Christians of cultural consequences of LGBT laws: ‘Sin protected, godliness punished’” Christian Post (October 29, 2024).
[12] Randy Alcorn, “Are Homosexual Sins Worse Than Other Sins?” Eternal Perspectives Ministries, ttps://,inherit%20the%20kingdom%20of%20God.%20%281%20Corinthians%206%3A9-10%29 (August 17, 2012).
[13] Michael Foust, “J.D. Vance Urges Americans ‘Don’t Cast Aside’ Friends over Politics - It’s ‘Not Worth It’” Crosswalk Headlines, ttps:// (November 1, 2024).