Sermon Notes

The video of the sermon preached from the following text can be viewed at: Since the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, there has been a lot of…


July 7, 2024
[The video of this sermon is on the church Facebook page at Here we are and it’s the first Sunday in July—just about the mid-point in 2024.  So, it’s…
This coming Thursday, we will be celebrating the Fourth of July, commemorating our nation’s Declaration of Independence.  Our colonial ancestors were fed up with having the British crown telling them…


June 23, 2024
There was a very famous person whose story is told in the Book of 2nd Kings.  The story is historically true, but it is included in the Bible for much…
In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin offered his notion of Heaven as follows:  “By heaven we understand a STATE OF HAPPINESS infinite in degree and endless in duration.”[1]  John Burroughs,…
One of the most comforting verses in the Bible is found in Romans 8:28 which states: “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those…


June 2, 2024
One of my favorite parables of Jesus is the Parable of the Soils.  I am sure you remember this one.  There was a farmer who was sowing seeds in a…

Medals and Crowns

May 26, 2024
Memorial Day is a time to remember the ultimate sacrifices made by our men and women in the military who have laid down their lives to defend our freedoms.  Some…
When a person becomes a Christian, they put their trust in Jesus.  They have faith that He is the Son of God who died for their sins.  They do their…


May 12, 2024
It is embarrassing to admit, but my cousin and I were turkey hunting the other day on property we have hunted for years and we . . . GOT LOST!  …
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