"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."—Philippians 4:19

John Wilbur Chapman was educated at Oberlin o, Lane Seminary, and received a doctorate from Heidelberg University. He held pastorates in Ohio, New York, Indiana, and Pennsylvania and was one of the most effective evangelists of his day.

Chapman experienced sorrow when his wife of four years died. Suddenly he was a single parent. His finances became depleted yet he had responsibility for a full schedule of evangelistic meetings.

During this stressful time an elder in his church, a wealthy banker, came to Chapman's home to comfort and encourage him. As this man left he slipped a piece of paper into Chapman's hand. It was a signed check made out to Chapman.

But the figures indicating the amount of the gift were missing." "Did you really mean to give me a signed blank check?" Chapman asked. "Yes," said the man. "I didn't know how much you'd need, and I wanted to be sure you would have enough." Later Chapman said, "While I never had to use that check, it gave me a secure feeling to know that thousands of dollars were literally at my disposal." Someone has said, "God too has given us a signed check in Philippians 4:19 to provide for every genuine need that arises in our lives."

The Lord has deep pockets. Today in prayer express the deepest concerns of your heart and trust God to deliver.

"His plans defy the penetration of the human mind and his ways surpass the ability of man to trace them out."—Everett F. Harrison
Peter Kennedy, From Generation to Generation, (Austin, TX: WORDsearch Corp., 2010), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "Day 198. The Deep Pockets of God".

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