Sunday, July 23, 2023 ()

Bible Text: 2nd Peter 3:7-13 |


The Creation narrative in Genesis 1-2 tells us how the universe, and more specifically—our planet and its inhabitants, came into being.  The Prophet Isaiah confirms the truth of the Genesis creation narrative by asking:  “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable.” (Isaiah 40:28 ESV)  Isaiah then proclaims: “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord, WHO MADE ALL THINGS, WHO ALONE STRETCHED OUT THE HEAVENS, WHO SPREAD OUT THE EARTH BY MYSELF. . .” (Isaiah 44:24 ESV)  Now, we all know that, as time passed, God’s Creation went through what theologians refer to as “The Fall.” In biblical commentaries, we could find some very complicated explanations of The Fall. But, a concise definition is provided in the Picket Dictionary of Theological Terms as follows:  “[The Fall is] the event in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, disobeyed the explicit command of God, thereby bringing sin and death onto the human race. As a consequence of the Fall, humans have become alienated from God, from one another and from the created order [itself].”[1]

Well, that definition about sums it up.  Adam and Eve—being representatives of the entire human race—sinned.  Thereafter, humanity followed their lead.  Thus, people have tended to sin thereby continuing their separation from God.  Of course, the human condition following Adam and Eve’s eviction from the Garden of Eden only became worse.   They had two sons—Cain and Abel—only to have the former murder the latter.  Thereafter, evil thrived on the earth.  Things got so bad that God regretted having ever created such sorry creatures as we human beings.  By the time we get to Genesis 6, we are told:  5  “The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and He saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. 6  So the LORD was sorry He had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke His heart. 7  And the LORD said, ‘I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.’ 8  But Noah found favor with the LORD.” Genesis 6:5-8 (NLT2)

Yes—if God had acted purely as His justice demands, He would have destroyed every human being, including Noah, because even Noah had sinned.[2] Like everyone else, he deserved the “wages of sin” which is death in the eternal sense in a place called Hell.[3]  And yet, Noah did not love his sin like the rest of the world did.  How do we know that Noah was bothered by his sin?—because the Bible tells us that Noah was a righteous man in whom God found favor.[4]   Yes, we know that Noah was not a perfect man, because Jesus was the only one born into this world who never sinned.[5]  In fact, even after Noah was saved from the Flood, it appears that he struggled against sin.[6]

But, that is the point—he struggled to resist sin because he genuinely wanted to pursue the path God laid before him—and not the path of wickedness the world around him had so eagerly pursued.  Noah knew in his heart the words David would write untold centuries later that proclaimed:  “He [God]  restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS for His Name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 (KJV)  And so, God, in His mercy and grace, preserved Noah, along with his immediate family and selected members of all the species of every animal and bird that existed.  God gave Noah the blueprints for the construction of an ark that would sustain them all from the raging flood that would come.  And, as God promised Noah, the Great Flood did come.  All those evil inhabitants of the earth—those who were committed to evil and not to God’s righteousness—perished in the flood waters.  When the ark finally settled on dry land, humanity started over.  It was as if God hit the re-set button and the human race was given a second chance.  But, the curse of the Fall was still present.  Humanity would still be confronted by a hostile environment of “thorns and thistle” where humans would continually spend their lives “sweating to master it until their dying days.”[7]  And what was the most hostile environment of all?  It was, and still is, the one found in the human heart that craves the darkness of sin instead of the Light of God’s love.[8]

Now, let me ask you a simple question:  Do you believe all these things as presented in God’s Word—all these biblical accounts of the Creation and the Great Flood?  Well, I hope that you do, because they are all true—exactly as described to us.  But, the world does all it can to convince you that none of this is true.  The world would have you believe that the Book of Genesis and its Creation story, as well as the story of the Flood, are nothing more than superstitious myths.  Many will tell you that they are stories crafted by ancient people to deal with a universe that they could not understand.  And so, these ancient people supposedly made up these stories to fill in the vacuum of their own ignorance.  That is what the world wants you to believe.

In fact, when I was student at the University of Virginia, I took an Old Testament religion course.  I still have the textbook for that course.   The “UVa version” of the Book of Genesis is a good example of the world’s misguided view of the Bible.  It reduces the Bible’s telling of the Creation narrative and the Great Flood account as just examples of “naïve” and “legendary” ancient myths—the implication being that these things never occurred.[9]  My mother-in-law, a few years later, was taught the same thing when she attended Emory & Henry College.  I know this because the textbook she used was the same one I had in my secular religious course at “Mr. Jefferson’s University.”  These are the same things that students are taught today—sadly, even in some seminaries.

Some liberal Old Testament scholars put an erroneous spin on the magnitude of the Flood.  They contend that it was a mere regional event.  In other words, they claim that a “world-wide” flood never happened.  According to them, the Flood was limited to regions of the Middle East—perhaps the Nile River in Egypt or along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Babylon.  That’s not what the Bible says in either the Old or New Testaments.  Genesis 7 states:  18  “As the water rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely upon it; 19  until finally the water covered ALL THE HIGH MOUNTAINS UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN, 20  standing twenty-two feet and more above the highest peaks. 21  And ALL LIVING THINGS UPON THE EARTH PERISHED—birds, domestic and wild animals, and reptiles and ALL MANKIND— 22  EVERYTHING THAT BREATHED AND LIVED UPON DRY LAND. 23  ALL EXISTENCE ON THE EARTH was blotted out—man and animals alike, and reptiles and birds. God destroyed them all, leaving only Noah alive, and those with him in the boat.” Genesis 7:18-23 (TLB)  There is no mistaking what God’s Word communicates here—this describes a catastrophic flood event that was completely global in nature! [10]

The New Testament confirms this as well—with references to the world-wide effect of the Great Flood.  In addition, did you know that both the Old and New Testaments promise another “Great Flood” will be coming?  Oh yes, the Bible tells us this in several passages (e.g., Isaiah 24:19, Micah 1:4, Matthew 24:35, Revelation 21:1).  One of the most intriguing descriptions of the coming “FLOOD” is given to us by the Apostle Peter—for he connects the first Flood described in Genesis with the one that is yet to come.  Listen to what Peter predicts—it is something that’s coming sooner than most people think:  5  “[People] deliberately forget that God made the heavens by the Word of His command, and He brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water.”  Here, Peter points to the truthfulness of the Creation narrative in the Book of Genesis.  Peter then continues:   6  “Then He [God] used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood.” 2nd Peter 3:5-6 (NLT2) It sounds very clear that the world in its entirety was destroyed by the Flood—not just some limited region!  

As Peter continues, he tells about the “second GREAT FLOOD” that’s coming.  It will serve the same purpose as the first Flood in addressing the sin and wickedness of this world.  But, this coming FLOOD will not be a deluge of water.  Rather, it will be even more consuming—for the coming FLOOD will be one of FIRE.  Peter continues his prophecy regarding this fiery FLOOD:

7 And by the same Word, the present heavens and earth have been stored up for FIRE.  They are being kept for the Day of Judgment, when ungodly people will be destroyed. 8  But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends:  A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. 9  THE LORD ISN’T REALLY BEING SLOW ABOUT HIS PROMISE, AS SOME PEOPLE THINK.  NO, HE IS BEING PATIENT FOR YOUR SAKE. HE DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO BE DESTROYED, BUT WANTS EVERYONE TO REPENT. 10  But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. 11  Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, 12  looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. On that day, He will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames. 13  But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth He has promised, a world filled with GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS.  2nd Peter 3:7-13 (NLT2)


What a terrible FLOOD of world-wide judgment Peter predicts here!   So, how soon can we expect this FIERY FLOOD?  The answer is sobering: “VERY SOON!”  The Apostle Paul informed Timothy of the signs of this coming FLOOD:  1  “You should know this, Timothy, that in the LAST DAYS there will be very difficult times. 2  For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3  They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.” 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 (NLT2)

When we look around the world today, we see an exact description of what Paul described to Timothy!  Make no mistake about it, the time of this coming FLOOD OF FIRE is very near.  Just as God’s words to Noah proved true, so too will this prophecy of Peter surely take place.  This wicked world should hear Peter’s words with dread.  And yet, Peter tells us that those in Christ need not fear this coming FLOOD.  Rather, we should long for it and welcome it with rejoicing when it comes.  Why is that?  Peter goes on to explain:  14  “And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in His sight. 15  And remember, the Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him.” 2nd Peter 3:14-15 (NLT2)  And what was it that Paul wrote?  Just as God gave Noah a blueprint for the Ark, the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to give us the building plans that will see us through to safety—even against the FIERY FLOOD that’s coming soon.  Listen to this building plan for your salvation that the Holy Spirit gave to Paul that applies to you as well:

10  Because of God’s grace to me, I HAVE LAID THE FOUNDATION LIKE AN EXPERT BUILDER. Now others are building on it.  But whoever is BUILDING ON THIS FOUNDATION must be very careful. 11  For NO ONE CAN LAY ANY FOUNDATION OTHER THAN THE ONE WE ALREADY HAVE—JESUS CHRIST. . . 13  But on the Judgment Day, FIRE will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. . . Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 17  . . . For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. 18  Stop deceiving yourselves.  If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. 19  For the WISDOM OF THIS WORLD IS FOOLISHNESS TO GOD. As the Scriptures say, “He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.” 20  And again, “The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise; He knows they are worthless.1st Corinthians 3:10-20 (NLT2)


This “building plan” puts Jesus Christ as the foundation of your salvation.  It is the only building plan that affords you the prospect of an eternal home.  It’s the one Jesus described when He said, 2  “In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”  And, Jesus promised not only to prepare that mansion for you, but He promised something else: 3  “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3 (NKJV)  That’s why Peter looked forward to Christ’s Second Coming with such great anticipation—when that “FLOOD OF FIRE” will purify all things and offer God’s glory of a New Heaven and a New Earth (2nd Peter 3:13)—where Christ “will wipe every tear from [our] eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain—[for] all these things [shall be] gone forever.”[11] Revelation 21:4 (NLT2)

And so, Peter concludes by giving some words of caution.  He says: 17  “I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends.  Be on guard so that you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing. 18  Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  All glory to Him, both now and forever! Amen.” 2nd Peter 3:17-18 (NLT2)

Yes—with the reality of the Flood in Noah’s day comes the certainty that a greater Flood is coming very soon.  So, what will you build to withstand the fire?  God gave Noah the blueprints for the construction of an ark that saved him and his family.  Through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, God gives you a blueprint that will save you eternally as well.  There is no other foundation you can build upon that will save you.   But, you can’t complete this building project alone. You need a Helper to assist you in the building process.  Jesus promises to all believers:  16  “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. 17  He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God.  The world cannot receive Him, because it cannot see Him or know Him. But you know Him, because He remains with you and is in you. 18  When I go, you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you.” John 14:16-18 (TEV)  You can rest assured that the Holy Spirit is the best Helper you could ever have—He will surely finish that “building project” in your heart that provides the key to that heavenly mansion Jesus has prepared for you.  In this regard, Paul is confident in saying:  6  “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6 (NLT2)

Yes, the Holy Spirit will complete the work God has started in you.  He helps you build a “FIRE-PROOF” HEART.  The CROSS IS FIRE-PROOF if you take advantage of the shelter it provides through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  The people of Noah’s day ignored Noah’s example of righteousness.  They scoffed at his building project.  But, when those flood waters started rising, they were the very ones who were beating on the door of that Ark to get inside.  Their problem was that they waited too late.  Don’t make the same eternally fatal mistake as those wicked people!  If you are not right with God, then now is the time to get right with Him.  Or, if you know of a loved one, or a dear friend, who doesn’t know Jesus as their Savior, witness to them, and pray for them to come to Christ.  Don’t wait until it’s too late.  Come to Christ today—FOR THERE’S A FIERY FLOOD COMING VERY SOON!  Everyone is going to need fire insurance—THE ONLY INSURANCE AVAILABLE IS JESUS CHRIST!

Let us pray.


Darvin Satterwhite, Pastor

Forest Hill Baptist Church

July 23, 2023

©2023 All Rights Reserved as follows:

Anyone is at liberty to use this sermon or any portions thereof for educational or religious purposes, with or without credit. The pastor believes the material presented herein to be true to the teaching of Scripture, and desires to further, not restrict, its potential use as an aid in the study of God’s Word. The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Forest Hill Baptist Church in Louisa, Virginia.


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[1] Grenz, Stanley J., David Guretzki, Cherith Fee Nordling. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. Downer's Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.

[2] Romans 3:23 “Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal.” (TLB)

[3] Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (TLB)

[4] Genesis 6:8-9  “But Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. Here is the story of Noah: 9  He was the only truly righteous man living on the earth at that time. He tried always to conduct his affairs according to God’s will.” (TLB)

[5] 2nd Corinthians 5:21 “For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” (NLT2)

[6] Genesis 9:20-21  “After the flood, Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard. 21  One day he drank some wine he had made, and he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent.” (NLT2)

[7] Genesis 3:17-19  17  “And to Adam, God said, ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate the fruit when I told you not to, I have placed a curse upon the soil. All your life you will struggle to extract a living from it. 18  It will grow thorns and thistles for you, and you shall eat its grasses. 19  All your life you will sweat to master it, until your dying day. Then you will return to the ground from which you came. For you were made from the ground, and to the ground you will return.’” (TLB)

[8] John 3:19  “This is how the judgment works: the light has come into the world, but people love the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds are evil.” (TEV)

[9] Bernhard W. Anderson. Understanding the Old Testament, third ed., Englewood Cliff:Prentice-Hall, (1975) p. 214.

[10] See: “Was Noah’s flood global or local? (accessed July 19, 2023).

[11] Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (NLT2)


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