The cares of this world

The cross of Golgatha

Matthew 13:22 (NKJV) Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

Luke 9:57-62 (MSG) 57  On the road someone asked if he could go along. "I'll go with you, wherever," he said. 58  Jesus was curt: "Are you ready to rough it? We're not staying in the best inns, you know." 59  Jesus said to another, "Follow me." He said, "Certainly, but first excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have to make arrangements for my father's funeral." 60  Jesus refused. "First things first. Your business is life, not death. And life is urgent: Announce God's kingdom!" 61  Then another said, "I'm ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me while I get things straightened out at home." 62  Jesus said, "No procrastination. No backward looks. You can't put God's kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day."

Luke 10:38-42 (TLB) 38  As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem they came to a village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home. 39  Her sister Mary sat on the floor, listening to Jesus as he talked. 40  But Martha was the jittery type and was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Sir, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me." 41  But the Lord said to her, "Martha, dear friend, you are so upset over all these details! 42  There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it—and I won’t take it away from her!"

Anxiety is not only a pain which we must ask God to assuage but also a weakness we must ask him to pardon—for he's told us to take no care for the morrow. C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) [Draper's Book of Quotations for the Christian World]

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