
And now from the wonderful people who bought us mustard gas, the atomic bomb and DDT, Three Mile Island and a host of other debacles--they will save us: Or, at least, that's what they claim. The "they" is science. That's what the pharmaceutical firm Pfizer would have you to believe. In a recent TV commercial Pfizer claims that what the people need to be saved from the coronavirus is science (and, by implication, not God). No, what the world needs, and has always needed, is faith in God, not faith in science. It is God who inspires men and women to use their brains in wonderful, creative and powerful ways to produce good things, and not we ourselves. And God has provided the cure for the deadly disease that infects us now. But that disease is sin and not a mere virus. Unfortunately, in the case of Pfizer and their ad people, that sin is more specifically identified as Pride. Until people learn that Jesus Christ is our only sure healer, that deadly disease will continue to cause hopelessness and death in the very eternal sense.

Mark 5:26 "She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse." (NIV)

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