Sunday, September 29, 2024 ()

Bible Text: John 14:6 |

It has always been a very popular (yet completely false) worldview that all religions lead to God.  In this regard, those who take this erroneous position have long used the ancient story of the six blind men to support their claim.  In this story, these blind men offer their different perspectives of what an elephant must be like to provide a basis for arguing that all religions provide an equally valid path to salvation.  The story goes like this:  “The first blind man put out his hand and touched the side of the elephant. ‘How smooth! An elephant is like a wall.’ The second blind man put out his hand and touched the trunk of the elephant. ‘How round! An elephant is like a snake.’  The third blind man put out his hand and touched the tusk of the elephant. ‘How sharp! An elephant is like a spear. The fourth blind man put out his hand and touched the leg of the elephant. ‘How tall!  An elephant is like a tree.’ The fifth blind man reached out his hand and touched the ear of the elephant. ‘How wide!  An elephant is like a fan.’  The sixth blind man put out his hand and touched the tail of the elephant. ‘How thin! An elephant is like a rope.’”[1]  And then, a supposedly wise man who could see the entire elephant would end this fallacious parable by concluding:  “You see the world’s different religions are like that.  They are all giving a description of God from different perspectives.  They are all correct from their points of view, but it takes all of them together to form an understanding as to what God is really like.”

Some say this story was composed by a Hindu or Buddhist wise man around 500 B.C.  But, it wasn’t a wise man who came up with this story.  Rather, the father of lies[2] is its author.   For this is the lie that Satan would have you think about Christianity.  He would love for you to believe that the saving blood of Jesus Christ is not necessary for your eternal salvation.   It would be to Satan’s delight if he could convince you that Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or any other world religions provide equally valid paths to God and offer you as much salvation as Christianity.

Now, you would hope that the leaders of our faith would be at the forefront in trying to expose the nature of this lie.  And yet, one of the people, who should be leading the charge against Satan, has apparently decided to join his ranks.  While on a recent tour of Singapore, Pope Francis proclaimed that: “All religions are a path to God. There's only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths (to God).”  Now, that creates a real problem within the Catholic Church.  Who are Catholics going to follow?  Are they supposed to follow the teachings of Pope Francis (the 266th Pope)?  Or, are they to follow the teachings of the very first PopeSt. Peter who received his theology directly from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?  I do not know where this modern-day Pope acquired his theology, but it very clearly does not come from the Bible.  For the Scripture show us that Peter’s view on things was completely different from that of Pope Francis.  Peter tells us the real deal when he referred to Jesus in saying: “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under Heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 (NASB)  The Pope’s position is also contrary to that of the Apostle Paul who tells us:  “There is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.” 1st Timothy 2:5 (NLT2)  And, the biggest problem with the Pope’s statement is that it’s contrary to the Supreme Authority on the subject—Jesus Himself.  Jesus removed any doubt about where we should stand as Christians on this issue when He proclaimed: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” John 14:6 (NLT2)   You can’t be any clearer than that!

The Pope’s heresy has not set well with Catholics or Protestants.  Joseph Strickland, who was formerly the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas, posted on “X”: “Please pray for Pope Francis to clearly state that Jesus Christ is the only Way. To deny this is to deny Him. If we deny Christ, He will deny us, He cannot deny Himself.” [3] And, Lutheran pastor and Christian writer, Dan Delzell, recently wrote an article in stating: “The false doctrine which [Pope] Francis proclaimed has been around for centuries. But it cannot possibly be true.  Jesus did not die on the Cross to merely provide ‘one more way’ of getting to God. He died for our sins because it was the only way we could be reconciled to our Father in Heaven. . . It is only through Christ that anyone can be reconciled to the Father. There simply is no other way, period.”[4]   Both Bishop Strickland and Pastor Delzell are absolutely correct.

Why does this matter to us as Christians?   Well, it matters because those who don’t see why the Pope’s position is pure heresy also fail to understand who Jesus Christ is and why He died on the Cross.  These matters are core elements to our faith as Christians.   To begin to unpack this, it is helpful to consider why the other worldly religions are no substitute for the Christian faith.   First, consider Hinduism.

Hinduism is a smorgasbord of contradictory beliefs.  Originally, Hinduism was a religion of many gods, but it eventually gravitated into what is known as pantheism.  Under this worldview, God is literally in everything and everything is God.  In other words, God is not distinct and apart from creation, but is rather a part of creation itself.  A person’s soul is considered to be “like a spark from the huge fire” that makes up a divine reality known as “Brahman.”  And who do you worship, according to one tradition of Hinduism?  Well, as one guru put it, “Worship your own inner self. God lives within you as you.”  And, what about the afterlife in Hinduism?  Well, it often relies upon the false notion of reincarnation.  This process is described as:  “Smoke from a cremated soul rising into the clouds, where it falls back to the earth as rain that nourishes plants and animals in the food chain, eventually becoming human again.”[5]  You couldn’t have a concept that is any more foreign to the Christian worldview.  Rather, our Christian faith holds that God is our personal Creator and that we are unique individuals with souls that live through one (and only one) physical, earthly life.  In this regard, the Book of Hebrews clearly states: 27  “Just as each person is destined to DIE ONCE and after that comes judgment, 28  so also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for Him.Hebrews 9:27-28 (NLT2)  During our lifetimes, we can either accept or reject Christ and His offer of salvation.  Following our departure from this world, believers in Jesus are assured of a resurrection unto eternal life in God’s Heavenly Kingdom.   Those who have not accepted Jesus are consigned to an eternity in Hell.  Christianity and Hinduism could not possibly provide equally valid paths to God since their respective views of God and the afterlife are totally incompatible with each other.

What about Buddhism?  Well, we can cut to the chase on this one because Buddhism is basically an “atheistic religion” that does not pursue a “path to God.”  Instead, it dedicates itself to the pursuit of self-enlightenment that deems God to be irrelevant.  In fact, Buddhist religious writings mention the idea of a monotheistic creator God, but, in the end, rejects God’s existence.[6]

Finally, let’s think about Islam.  Yes, it is true that Muslims worship a monotheistic god.  But, their god is NOT the God of the Bible that we worship as Christians.  Muslims reject the Trinity.  In other words, they do not believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  The Islamic concept of one’s destiny after death is contrary to the Christian worldview.   A Muslim believes that, on Judgment Day, Allah will review your every deed during this life.  Those deeds will be placed upon a scale that will tip either to Paradise or to Hell based upon the total of your “good” deeds versus the total of your “bad” deeds.  In essence, it is a “works-based” religion whereby your salvation comes from your own efforts.[7]  In the end, a Muslim can never be certain whether Allah will allow them to Paradise depending upon his whim in reading the scale.   But, Christianity is so radically different.  All uncertainty as to your eternal destination is removed once you repent of your sins, accept Jesus into your life and follow Him.  Your admittance into Heaven is not based upon your so-called “good works,” but upon CHRIST’S WORK ON THE CROSS IN SHEDDING HIS BLOOD IN PAYMENT FOR OUR SINS!  For as Paul explains, 8 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, 9  not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

In light of these major differences in other world religions, as compared to Christianity, it is crystal clear that the Pope’s assertion that all religions lead to God is patently false.  But, the Pope’s teaching is consistent with one Scripture.  It is the one that says as the End of Time approaches:  “Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.” Matthew 24:11 (NRSV)  How a man who holds the highest position in the Catholic Church could utter such a false statement is beyond me.  But, as Bishop Strickland said, we need to pray for him and his soul.  Why?—because the Pope’s statement is not merely heresy; it borders on being blasphemy because, by implication, he is denying that salvation comes solely through Jesus’ blood shed on the Cross.  In this regard, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and any other religions, apart from Christianity, are false worldviews.   Only Christianity offers the belief in a personal God who loves humanity so much that He sent His Son to offer us the only way for our redemption and salvation.  This is why Jesus tells us that “NO ONE CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” 

Now, having said all this, someone is bound to ask an obvious question.  They will feel sad (as they should) for those millions of people who may be devoted to their non-Christian religious beliefs and have never known Christ.  Christian theologian, Douglas Groothuis [Groat-Hoost] articulates their question this way:  “What is the fate of those countless souls throughout history who either had no contact with God’s covenanted people of the Old Testament period or who never had access to the Gospel in the New Testament period?”[8] Well, in approaching this question, there are some characteristics of God that we must keep in mind.  Scripture reveals that: “The LORD is your mighty defender, perfect and JUST in all His ways; Your God is faithful and true; HE DOES WHAT IS RIGHT AND FAIR.” Deuteronomy 32:4 (TEV) The Psalmist declares: “The LORD LOVES RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE; the earth is full of His UNFAILING LOVE.” Psalm 33:5 (NIV)  HE IS MERCIFUL and tender toward those who don’t deserve it.” Psalm 103:8 (TLB)  And, the Bible assures us that when God judges people, He “will judge them with COMPLETE FAIRNESS, for all Heaven declares that HE IS JUST.” Psalm 50:6 (TLB)   Clearly then, it is the nature of God to be fair and just in all His judgements; and, His righteousness is tempered by His great love and mercy.  In addition, we need to remember that His ways are far beyond our ways, and His thoughts are infinitely more advanced than our thoughts.[9]  Considering these biblical truths, I will side with Douglas Groothuis who concludes that the eternal fate of those who have never heard the Gospel of Christ “is in the hands of a just and loving God, however, God [may work it] out.” [10]

What is so very important to remember is another part of God’s Word which states: 47  “And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished. 48  But someone who does not know, and then does something wrong, will be punished only lightly. WHEN SOMEONE HAS BEEN GIVEN MUCH, MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED IN RETURN; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” Luke 12:47-48 (NLT2)   The people of this land have been “given much.”  The American people have been given the Gospel.  There are thousands upon thousands of Christian churches throughout this country.  Bibles are readily available to anyone with a smartphone, tablet or laptop.  It you want a print-version, you can order one on-line, buy one at Walmart, obtain one from the Gideons or from most any local church.  The vast majority of Americans have no excuse because they either “know what the master (Jesus Christ) wants,” or they have available to them the means to find out what He wants.  So, again, as the Scriptures say: TO WHOM MUCH HAS BEEN GIVEN, MUCH MORE IS REQUIRED.

Furthermore, you don’t have to be the Pope to know that Jesus requires us “to be born again.”  That is exactly what Jesus told the learned, Jewish scholar Nicodemus.  John’s Gospel tells us:  “Jesus declared, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is BORN AGAIN.’” John 3:3 (NIV)  That means we have to repent of the ways of the world and start following His ways.  And, just as importantly, we have to BELIEVE in Him.”[11]  So, what does it mean to “believe” in Jesus Christ?  That is where so many people are confused.  They tend to think that if they simply acknowledge in their heads that Jesus is the divine Son of God, they will be fine.  (By the way, Jehovah Witnesses do not even believe that much—and so they are “condemned already because [they have] not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”[12])  But, it isn’t enough to merely say, “Yeah, I believe Jesus is God’s Son.”  Even the devil and his demons believe that much![13]  Unless you allow Jesus into your heart where the Holy Spirit can regenerate your very being, your “belief” will be merely an empty faith.  Being born again means allowing the Spirit to take our stubborn hearts of stone and replace them with tender and responsive hearts that yearn to follow God’s will for our lives.[14]   When you allow that to take place, then you come to understand and believe one of the most important elements of our Christian faith.  For, like the Apostle Paul, you will know in your heart that while we were still sinners, CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS TO PAY FOR OUR SINS.[15] 

You see, that is where the Pope has gone astray.  When he so wrongly claims that all religions lead to God, he has abandoned a core belief of our Christian faith by failing to see that no other religions offer to wash away our sins through the blood of God’s Son that was shed on the Cross!  It is a sad day indeed when the head of the Catholic Church forgets Jesus’ great sacrifice and how it differentiates Christianity from any other religious worldview.   We can only hope that, at the age of 87, it is his memory that is failing him and not His commitment to Jesus’ work on the Cross and His Resurrection from the dead.  On the other hand, perhaps it is not the Pope’s memory that is at fault here.  Rather, it may well be that the Pope has fallen prey to the urge to be popular by expressing an erroneous view that has become accepted even among those who call themselves “born-again Christians.”

In this regard, consider a comprehensive survey conducted in 2020 by a Christian nonprofit organization known as Probe Ministries.  One of the target groups for this survey were those people who identify as “born-again Christians.”  Steve Casey, who assessed the survey results for Probe Ministries said this about the survey results:  “The real shocker . . . is that over 60% of ‘Born Again Christians’ are also pluralists (meaning they believe many different religions, apart from Christianity, lead to God and bring salvation].” He goes on to say:  “Apparently, a majority of Born Again Christians are ignorant about the basic teachings of their faith.  Also, it is interesting and disturbing that. . . a strong majority of Born Again, Christians are pluralists across [all age groups]”—young and old alike!   Pay attention to what he says next because it is a message that Churches throughout this country need to hear: “We need to make the exclusive role of Jesus Christ in any hope of salvation a recurring and prominent theme in our teaching.  This is not a topic to tiptoe gingerly around. Rather, we need to boldly proclaim, ‘There is salvation in no other name under Heaven other than the name of Jesus Christ.’[16] God would not have planned from before the beginning of time to sacrifice Himself on the cross for our salvation if there were any other means to reconcile sinful men and women to Himself.”  He added: “As Paul tells us in Romans, ‘How are they to believe in one they have not heard of?’[17] If we think we can slough off our responsibility to tell others, we do not understand the grace of God and our role as citizens of Heaven living on this Earth.”[18]

Again, as we consider the Pope’s false words, the Scriptures tell us that we are in the Last Days before Jesus is coming again.  Paul anticipated this time in which we live when he predicted: 3  “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4  They will reject the truth and chase after myths.” 2nd Timothy 4:3-4 (NLT2)   Those 60% of so-called “born again Christians” who reject Jesus’ claim that He is the only way to God the Father—they are the ones with “itching ears” who “follow their own desires” apart from the Truth of God’s Word.  For those who have rejected God’s Truth, I am sorry to tell them that they are not true followers of Jesus Christ.  They might call themselves “Christians,” but the reality is that they are just as lost as they were before they supposedly came to Christ.  In other words, their faith was still-born and dead-on-arrival.  Their only hope (as is the case with the Pope) is to repent and truly be born again—and to remember (as we all need to remember):  “TO WHOM MUCH HAS BEEN GIVEN, MUCH MORE IS REQUIRED!”

Let us pray.


Darvin Satterwhite, Pastor

Forest Hill Baptist Church

September 29, 2024

©2024 All Rights Reserved as follows:

Anyone is at liberty to use this sermon or any portions thereof for educational or religious purposes, with or without credit. The pastor believes the material presented herein to be true to the teaching of Scripture, and desires to further, not restrict, its potential use as an aid in the study of God’s Word. The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Forest Hill Baptist Church in Louisa, Virginia.

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[1] Dr. Christopher Kaczor, “The Story of the Blind Men and the Elephant,” Word on Fire Institute, (October 18, 2023).


[2] John 8:44b  [Jesus, in speaking of the devil, said:] “He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (NLT2)

[3] Anugrah Kumar, “Pope Francis’ claim ‘all religions are a path to God’ rebuked by clergy,” Christian Post,

(September 15, 2024).

[4] Dan Delzell, “Why Jesus rejects the false gospel Pope Francis recently proclaimed,” Christian Post,

(September 21, 2024).

[5] Carden, P. (2008). Christianity, Cults and Religions. Peabody, MA: Rose Publishing.

[6] Ibid.

[7] “What Is Islam?” Ligonier Ministries, (June 21, 2023).

[8] Groothuis, Douglas. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith.  IVP Academics: Downers Grove (2011), p. 585.

[9] Isaiah 55:8-9   8  “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And My ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 9  For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (NLT2)

[10] Groothuis, p. 586.

[11] John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)

[12] John 3:18  “Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” (NIV)

[13] Matthew 8:29  “And behold, they cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, O Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?’” (ESV)  James 2:19  “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.” (NIV)

[14] Ezekiel 36:26  “I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” (NLT2)


[15] Romans 5:8  “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (NASB)

[16] Acts 4:12  “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” (NASB)

[17] Romans 10:14-15  14  “How are they to call on one they have not believed in? And how are they to believe in one they have not heard of? And how are they to hear without someone preaching to them? 15  And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How timely is the arrival of those who proclaim the good news.” (NET)

[18] Leonardo Blair, “Nearly 70% of born-again Christians say other religions can lead to Heaven: study,” Christian Post, (October 21, 2021).


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