Sermon Notes

When Jesus had His Last Supper with the disciples, He told them of His impending death.  Jesus also gave them three important promises--the Promises of the Resurrection that would eventually…
Palm Sunday is noted for the waving of the branches of palm date trees.  They were abundant around the vicinity of Jerusalem as Jesus made His entry into the city. …
As we are approaching Easter, it is only natural that we become reflective of Jesus' Resurrection.  Resurrection is a powerful thing and is the very sign of our Lord's victory…
Job finally gets his wish--God does come down in a mighty storm and pays Job a visit.  And now Job will finally get an answer to his question as to…
Job said that he was in need of a mediator or an intercessor to defend him against his perceived injustices.  Job was surely in need of any intercessor (as are…

The Book of Job

February 21, 2016
Over the course of history, Man has pondered why bad things happen to good people.  Job pondered that. You and I ponder that.  The Book of Job does not give…

Being a Valentine

February 14, 2016
Valentine's Day is a day of celebration of love.  But the love that the world needs is not necessarily the love that it wants.  And being a true Valentine may…

Being Super Successful

February 7, 2016
The world has a very different idea as to what "success" is as compared to that of Christians.  Worldly praise, trophies, wealth, power and position are highly prized by unbelievers. …
Jesus told us not to judge.  He also told us not to cast pearls before swine.  These are odd things to hear from the mouth of God's Son.  What do…
We are continuing our series entitled, "Under New Management"--the life that we experience under the new management of Jesus Christ.  Paul defined that experience in the "Love Chapter" of 1…
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