Sermon Notes

One of the most comforting verses in the Bible is found in Romans 8:28 which states: “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those…


June 2, 2024
One of my favorite parables of Jesus is the Parable of the Soils.  I am sure you remember this one.  There was a farmer who was sowing seeds in a…

Medals and Crowns

May 26, 2024
Memorial Day is a time to remember the ultimate sacrifices made by our men and women in the military who have laid down their lives to defend our freedoms.  Some…
When a person becomes a Christian, they put their trust in Jesus.  They have faith that He is the Son of God who died for their sins.  They do their…


May 12, 2024
It is embarrassing to admit, but my cousin and I were turkey hunting the other day on property we have hunted for years and we . . . GOT LOST!  …
Last Sunday, I mentioned an 88-year-old woman, named Eva Edl,  who is being prosecuted (perhaps persecuted would be a better word) by the U. S. Justice Department for what the…
When I was a little boy, I had a toy that I thought was the most amazing thing.  It looked like a little TV screen with two knobs at the…

Running on Empty?

April 14, 2024
When things become empty, most people usually brace themselves for some rough times.  Take, for instance, when your bank account becomes empty.  Life seems quite meager when that happens.  Or,…


April 7, 2024
The past several Sundays, we have followed the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ journey to the Cross.  Of course, on Easter we touched upon the crucifixion and celebrated Jesus’ resurrection from…
Welcome to our Sunrise Risen Service.  What a beautiful morning God has blessed us with to celebrate the resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.   As daylight comes and you look…

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