Sermon Notes

The world is longing for something, but cannot find exactly what it is that brings peace and joy to life.  Christians know what it is, but so often fail to…

Praying Persistently

June 3, 2018
When you offer a prayer to God in times of need, but the prayer appears to be unanswered, do you continue praying?  Do you offer your same prayer request twice,…
Here we are--and it's Memorial Day weekend.  On Monday, we will honor our fallen heroes--those who have given life and limb in the military service of their country.  We will…
People do a lot of planning these days--they plan for college, plan for retirement and even do substantial estate planning.  They are looking out for the long-run.  But, too often…
There are many examples of women in the Bible who were exemplary mothers.  But, it is hard to exceed Hanna and Lydia, who displayed their faith in God in the…

Talent Show

May 6, 2018
Jesus' Parable of the Talents is sometimes misunderstood, but its true message is priceless.  Come and join us for worship this Sunday to understand why.

Mercy Me (and Mercy You)

April 15, 2018
If God's Law prohibits sin and God is a just Judge (which He certainly is), then how can we expect anything but an adverse judgment when we stand before His…
It is amazing how those short little sayings in the Book of Proverbs can carry so much meaning!  It is as if the thoughts contained within one proverb could fill…
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ--beyond anything else in  the history of this world--brings us hope against the storms of life.  Join us this Easter Sunday and see how to face…
From Palm Sunday throughout the following week, Peter's journey was fraught with failures.  He was called the Rock, but he was anything but solid in those days just before Jesus…
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