Sermon Notes


December 8, 2019
12-8-19 Innkeepers - Christmas SermonCan you imagine that?  A poor young man and his overly pregnant wife were turned away from the local travel lodge by an uncaring innkeeper because…
12-1-19 Mary & Joseph-What is Your Baby's Name- SermonWhen Mary and Joseph named their baby in a manger, there were so many names that they could have used.  But why…
11-24-2019 A Thanksgiving Question We Need to Know How to Answer - SermonThanksgiving is a time that we reflect upon the many blessings that God has given to us.  But,…

Thank God for His Plan

November 17, 2019
11-17-19 Thanking God for His Plan - Sermon (1)Thanksgiving Day is coming soon and we have so many things to be thankful for.  Do not forget to thank God for…

True Thanksgiving: What is it?

November 10, 2019
11-10-19 True Thanksgiving - What is itWe talk about putting Christ back in Christmas.  Isn't it time to do the same for Thanksgiving as well?  Join us this Sunday for…

The End is in Sight!

November 3, 2019
11-3-19 The End is in Sight SermonWhat do Ten Virgins, gray-haired people and my friend from Britain all have in common?  Well, it is a topic that we'll discuss in…
10-27-19 Brotherly kindness & Love SermonThis Sunday, we are finishing up our review of the seven things that we must add to our faith.  These last two are especially crucial--BROTHERLY…
Godliness & Perseverance Sermon 10-20-19Do you sometimes feel like your faith is lacking direction?--or that you just can't seem to get your faith in sync with God's plan for your…
The Things to Add to Faith-- Self-Control 10-13-19 SermonHave you noticed just how out-of-control people are today?  If you look around, you can hardly miss it.  From the political realm…
Faith & Knowledge -Sermon 10-6-19We are continuing with our sermon series concerning the "additives" to faith--those things that the Apostle Peter states need to be added to our faith in…
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