Sermon Notes

Wars, violence, disease, natural disasters--Why does God allow so much suffering in the world?  This Sunday, come to Forest Hill Baptist Church and see!
Jesus always loved children and often used their outlook as models for us to emulate.  Children have a way of looking at things differently; their calculations seem to use a…


May 24, 2015
In our hearts, we sometimes stray into far and distant land.  What happens when that occurs?  Is there any remedy?  This Sunday, come to Forest Hill Baptist Church and see!

Mother’s Day & Exams

May 10, 2015
We owe a lot to our mothers--and we love them for it.  On the other hand, we usually dread taking exams.  What do mothers and exams have to do with…
This Sunday, we are blessed to have  Rev. Robert Day, Executive Director of Patrick Henry Boys & Girls Homes, to come and share with us his message of inspiration.  What…

God’s Unchanging Word

April 26, 2015
The world seems to be in a state of constant change--and that's certainly true regarding the morality and ethics of today's society.  So, does God's Word need to change to…

The Shepherd & His Sheep

April 19, 2015
The 23rd Psalm is recognized as one of the most beautiful poems ever composed.  But, it prompts us to ask a crucial question of ourselves.  What is that question?  This…
We do not always have the perspective to see God's Grand Design for His people, but it is always there as a present reality.  What is His plan for you…

Bible Text: Genesis 3:15; Genesis 2:9, 16-17; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; John 10:10; John 3:16-17; John 1:1, 4, 5, 14; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 15:22; Mark 10:45; John 14:6 | Preacher: Pastor Darvin

Easter is a story that shows God’s incredible love of us–even from the very beginning of humanity’s rebellion against Him.  This Easter Sunday join us for worship and celebration of the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Continue reading

Bible Text: Mark 4:11-12 and John 12:12-19 | Preacher: Darvin Satterwhite

Palm Sunday and Jesus’ Parable of the Sower have something in common.  What could it be?  Come and see. Continue reading

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