Sermon Notes

It seems like we all naturally worry about sometime--some people more than others.  But what does worrying actually accomplish other than to separate us from God?  Wait a minute!  Did…
The way we manage our time can have a tremendous impact on the quality of our lives as well as our experience of God. So how should we approach time…

Wise Men and Drummer Boys

December 27, 2015
Does your Nativity Scene have Wise Men, maybe even a drummer boy?  While we may argue over the historical accuracy of such a Nativity Scene, don't remove either the Wise…

No Room at the Inn

December 20, 2015
Can you believe that innkeeper in the second chapter of Luke?--sending a pregnant young woman to bear her child in a stable.  We are quick to condemn him when we…
About 2,000 years ago on the outskirts of Bethlehem, the angel and a heavenly host appeared before some poor shepherds tending their flocks at night.  Being the first evangelist, this…
A recent national survey indicates that the vast majority of Americans believe in the Virgin Birth--which is an encouraging thing.  But why do they believe it?  Why is it so…

Storms of Life

November 29, 2015
Terror settles upon the land and in the hearts that fear.  Storm clouds of dread seem to linger in our midst and on the horizon as far as we can…


November 22, 2015
Dining room tables filled with all kinds of good things to eat--that's what I your Thanksgiving table looks like.  But, what about the Thanksgiving heart?  What should that look like? …

Thanksgiving: The Two Gideons

November 15, 2015
Thanksgiving is almost upon us and it is time to reflect upon how giving thanks to God affects the way we live our lives.  It is no small thing and…
It's strange how differently some people respond to Christ following their baptism.  Some are like magicians and others like eunuchs.  The question is: Which one are you?  Or, if you…
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