Sermon Notes

It's funny how the world views things as compared to a Christian perspective on life.  We see this contrast in perspectives in our lives everyday, yet we, as Christians, sometimes…

The Wedding at Cana

May 29, 2016
What does Jesus' miracle at the wedding in Cana have to tell us today?  Is the answer that it was Jesus' first miracle and showed that He was the Son…
Oswald Chambers once commented that, "Worry is an indication that we think God cannot look after us."  As humans, we seem to naturally worry about all sorts of things; but,…

The Hardest of Cases

May 15, 2016
Sometimes atheists or agnostics appear to be the hardest of cases when it comes to receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  But, is there a group of people who…
Predestination has been a much discussed, and sometimes controversial doctrine.  But its true implications are seen in many examples of the lives of people as presented in God's Word.  Perhaps…

Samson: Part III

May 1, 2016
Samson's character flaws were many.  But, perhaps his most destructive flaws were his great anger and need for revenge.  The problem is, that once people give way to anger and…

Samson: Part II

April 24, 2016
We like to look up to heroes.  As children in Sunday School, we were taught that Samson was a hero of the Old Testament.  As children in grade school, we…
Samson is one of the most curious "heroes" of the Old Testament.  God brought him forward in a time of spirit chaos and apathy not unlike our own.  Perhaps a…

Fear and Trembling

April 10, 2016
Paul speaks of working through our salvation with fear and trembling.  What is that fear and trembling all about?--It is a state of mind that is transformed to the Joy…
God speaks to us continually.  Yet, it is remarkable how few times we recognize His voice.  Or, if we hear His voice, do we really listen?  What is it then…
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