Sermon Notes

How much are you worth?

August 14, 2016
How do we assess our self-worth from a Christian perspective?--in dollars and cents?  Well, yes. (But, for a very different reason than you might think.)

Seeking & Testing

August 7, 2016
Sometimes we will hear a noted theologian or Christian leader make a statement about something, and we take it for granted that it is the Gospel Truth.  But, if those…
I recently read an interesting op-ed article in a nation-wide publication by a noted Christian leader who informed us that radical Islamic ideology coupled with the violence of terrorism makes him afraid.  Oh, really?--how…
I wonder what this world would be like if all Christian Churches of the various denominations (even the non-denominational ones) would cease any discord and work in harmony to advance…
Naomi and Ruth were in need of security and protection.  And without Boaz coming forward and assuming his duties as their kinsman-redeemer, they may have lost hope.  We can learn…
Sometimes we fall into what seem to be impossible situations with no way of moving forward.  Or, we feel that we have fallen so low that there is no way…
When we try to understand suffering and pain, we tend to gravitate to the Book of Job.  And while it is true that Job teaches us much on this topic,…
Foot-washing is a tradition in a few churches.  Maybe it should be a tradition in many more.  But, what is the basis for such foot-washing and why is it more…
We are challenged everyday to put Jesus first in our lives by the choices and decisions we may make for or against Christ.  There are examples of heroic people who…
What did Jesus mean when He told the rich young man that no one is good but God?  And what of all this talk about camels passing through the eye…
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