Sermon Notes

R.A.I.S.E. Criticism

October 30, 2016
Criticism is something all of us encounter from time to time.  But, as Christians, how can we deal with criticism--whether we are on the giving end, or the receiving end?  This…

Decisions, decisions. . .

October 23, 2016
Every day we are confronted with a multitude of decisions--some of little importance, others that are of extreme importance.  But, whatever the choice that is before us, how do we…

The Psalm We Sing

October 16, 2016
The 23rd Psalm offers us peace and comfort in the Good Shepherd--Jesus.  But is it a psalm that we sing as reflected in the lives that we live? Often times,…

The Salt of the Earth

October 9, 2016
Jesus says that His followers are the "salt of the earth".  Are we the "salt of the earth"?  What does it mean to be the "salt of the earth" anyway? …

The Devil’s Favorite Tool

October 2, 2016
The Apostle Paul went through some very discouraging experiences during his life, yet one of his primary recommendations to everyone was to "Rejoice!"  How can you rejoice when times are discouraging? …

Discovering the Holy Spirit

September 25, 2016
The Holy Spirit--the Third Part of the Trinity--is someone Christians occasionally mention, but rarely appreciate the fundamental role He must play if our lives are to reach any true Christian…


September 18, 2016
This week is our Homecoming and we look forward to being re-united with many friends who may be coming back to our church for the first time in quite a…

Cowboy Joy

September 11, 2016
How should we react as Christians to the adversities of life?  It took a gust of wind and a Montana rodeo to give me a better picture of what our Christian…
There are a lot of books, magazines and news stories that cover dietary matters.  They all try to give us advice on what we should and should not eat.  But,…
What a crazy world we live in!  The good seemed to be crushed, while the wicked prosper--figure that.  As Christians, how do we make sense of such a state of…
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