Sermon Notes

Being truly "born again" includes having faith in Jesus Christ.  And in that faith is born a "godly sorrow" that leads to repentance--that leads to salvation.  How do we experience…

Making the Propeller Spin

January 1, 2017
We are coming upon the New Year--2017!  It is a new beginning.  It is back to square one.  It is a time for starting over.  It is a time for…

Why We Celebrate this Day

December 25, 2016
It is not often that we have the dual opportunity to come into Church on a Sunday morning and worship God while at the same time celebrating the birthday of…

The Gifts of Christmas

December 18, 2016
Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts--it is a two-way street, so to speak.  And that is the way that it is between us and God as well. …
When news of the coming of the Newborn King first reached the ears of people, they reacted in various ways.   In reviewing their reactions, we can see many things that…

What is Christmas All About?

December 4, 2016
What is Christmas all about--Joy, peace, love?  We need to think about that question as we partake of the Lord's Supper this Sunday.  We need to remember that the joy, peace and…

The Gospel of Isaiah

November 27, 2016
As we enter the Christmas Season, we love to recount the story of Jesus' birth.  And we do that by turning to the Gospels--particularly the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. …
During WWII, military recruits who were deemed physically unfit for service were classified as being "4-F"--which could be a real mark of shame.  But the "4-F" classification for Christians is…

Addressing Loneliness

November 13, 2016
Loneliness has a way of bringing so many people down.  Yet, how can this be in a world with so much personal interaction through social media?  Could it be that…
Next Tuesday, many will be headed to the polls to elect our next President.  Some are stridently behind their respective candidates--convinced that they are the best hope for our future. …
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