Sermon Notes

Little Children

April 2, 2017
One day the people came to Jesus and wanted Him to touch their children, but the disciples turned them away.  As a result, Jesus became angry with the disciples.  But,…
Last Sunday, we considered how important it is for us to put our burdens (particularly the burden of sin) down at the feet of Jesus.  But, what happens when those…

Unloading Your Burdens

March 19, 2017
There is a photograph on one of the old Led Zeppelin albums showing an old man carrying this huge bundle of sticks on his back and this burden just seems…
What a difference it makes in our lives when we read and study the Bible daily and then apply God's Word in all the things that we do.  What is this power of…
Does your life get so chaotic at times that it seems completely out of balance?  For the next few Sundays, our sermon series will focus upon regaining the proper balance in…

Excuses, excuses

February 26, 2017
"I don't need to go to Church--I can just worship at home," "Church is boring," "Sunday is the only day I can sleep in"--excuses, excuses.  People seem to have an endless…
We think of the love of Valentine's Day as being a romantic love--a kind of love that has been expressed over the years in so many songs.  But, the No.…

Unanswered Prayers

February 5, 2017
One of the most troubling things for many Christians is the difficulty in dealing with what we refer to as "unanswered prayers"--particularly when those prayers seek protection or healing of…

Be Perfect

January 29, 2017
In Matthew 5:48, Jesus demands that we "be perfect."  Impossible, right?--Well, it is impossible only if you believe that it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  James Montgomery…
We are called to be witnesses of God's Word, and that sometimes means that we need to humbly, yet firmly, remind someone if they are blatantly engaged in sin.  That's more…
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