Sermon Notes

Anna Moshenek

June 18, 2017
This Sunday, we are blessed to have Anna Moshenek deliver her message to us.  Anna is a courageous missionary who serves the Lord in remote areas of San Juan, Costa…
The journey of life has its valleys, but what is different about the life of a Christian when approaching and passing through those valleys?  One of the sons of Korah…

Singing out of tune

June 4, 2017
Songs, musical instruments, humming, whistling, pleasant notes--they all can be beautiful when done in tune.  But, they can be awful when they are out of tune.  That is the way it…

Lest We Forget

May 28, 2017
Memorial Day weekend--a time for Bar-B-Q's, beach trips, store sales, etc.  That's how most people tend to approach this upcoming holiday, while forgetting what the original intent of Memorial Day…
Remember the story that we were told when we were children about Henny Penny--the hen who ran around in a panic clucking out that the "sky was falling."  Some people…
Our "Salvation Examination" continues on this week as we delve further into John's First Epistle.  In Tests #3 and #4, we will consider our obedience and our allegiance--the former dealing…
If you were asked to take a series of tests to determine whether or not you are saved, would you know where to find them?  Well, if you happen to own…
In life, we all have to make important decisions.  But how we go about making the decisions and choices in our lives actually reflects who we are.  How do you…
Jesus bids us to take up our crosses and follow Him.  We follow Him along difficult roads that lead to our crucifixion.  How can we possibly find the strength to do that? …

What were they thinking?

April 9, 2017
Having you ever thought about what the people (and non-people) were thinking as Jesus entered triumphantly into Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday?  Luke's Gospel invites us to do exactly that. …
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