Sermon Notes

Christmas Pairs

December 2, 2018
Mary and Joseph were quite a pair.  This Sunday, join us for worship service and find out why.12-2-18 Christmas Pairs Scripture (1) 12-2-18 Christmas Pairs Sermon (1)
Join us for worship this Sunday as we begin our Spirit of Christmas series in preparation for the celebration of the greatest birth in all of history--the Virgin Birth and…

It’s a Miracle

November 18, 2018
When Elijah contended with the prophets of Baal, God performed a miracle by igniting a consuming fire on a water soaked altar.  But, do such miracles happen today?  Join us…
11-11-18 Elijah & 3 Storms of Life SermonWhen you become a Christian many things in your life will change.  But, one thing that does not change is the fact that…
This Sunday, we will continue on with our series on Elijah.  But, we will consider, along with Elijah, another hero (or more properly, a heroine)--the Widow of Zarephath.  Join us…
The Psalmist speaks of God drawing near to us when we call upon Him in truth.  We have many examples that are shown to us in the Bible where God's…
There is so much about Jesus in David's 23rd Psalm.  Join us for worship this Sunday as we examine the final three verses of this wonderful psalm that speaks to…
The 23rd Psalm is one of the most familiar psalms in the Bible.  But, what is David writing about?  Well, primarily about Jesus.  Join us for worship this Sunday for…


September 30, 2018
The process of salvation through Jesus Christ is an amazing thing to watch.  Come join us for worship this Sunday as we consider the lives of four disciples, one religious…
Hurricane Florence has now run its course.  But, as it was approaching the coastal region of the Southeastern U.S., there were many fears based upon many predictions as to which…
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