Sermon Notes

We live in a very busy world and so many worldly things tend to take up our time that we sometimes fail to give our time to Christ.  We need…
Tiny but precious specks - Sermon 4-28-19Have you considered the enormous size of the universe and all of its zillion stars, planets, and galaxies?  Did the thought make you feel…
What is Easter all about?  Well, if you want a crash course on Easter, you can find the answers are found Galatians 3:13, John 11:25 and Deuteronomy 30:19.  Join us…
Almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to do "battle." And, there in that city filled with Israelites and their Jewish religious leaders, Jesus would, indeed,…

Maintaining the Temple

April 7, 2019
The Bible teaches that our bodies are the temples of our souls.  How well are you maintaining your temple?Maintaining the Temple - Sermon 4-7-19


March 31, 2019
Have you seen something out of the ordinary come about where the chances of those factual circumstances all converging at the same time appeared about as likely as a pig…

Does God Exist?

March 24, 2019
Does God exist?  Of course, He does!  Ah, but you say that science proves there is no God and that He did not create the universe.  To the contrary, science…

Eyes Lifted Up

March 17, 2019
Well, Flo and I have returned from Utah after visiting our daughter and grandson.  They live right on the edge of the snow capped Rocky Mountains.  And with my eyes…

A Most Scandalous Story

March 3, 2019
The story in Luke 10:38-42 offers quite a contrast between two sisters--Martha and Mary.  Many times we read this story and think that we need to make a choice between…

Keeping the Flame Alive

February 24, 2019
How do we as a small rural church fulfill our role within the Body of Christ?  Being "small" is not a disadvantage if we remain "big" when it comes to…
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