Sermon Notes

In the kind of America that we live in today (an immoral and godless one), Christians can often feel outnumbered.  But, are we?  Maybe we need to better understand the…
Gideon is sometimes praised for "putting out the fleece" to ascertain God's will.  But, was that what Gideon was really up to?  The reality is that there are certain things…
As we continue our sermon series on the story of Gideon, it is remarkable just how much we are like the people of Gideon's day when it comes to idol…
The Church today can learn many important lessons when we observe the life of Gideon.  He lived in a time of great moral decline--yet, he was also partly to blame…
Join us for worship this Sunday as we begin our study of Gideon--that "Mighty Hero" of faith.  (Hero? Yeah, right!)Story of Gideon - Part 1 Sermon 6-16-19

Plans and Assignments

June 9, 2019
People make so many plans today.  Young people plan for which colleges they may attend.  We are constantly planning our work, planning our vacations, planning for retirement.  But if we…
The tongue is a relatively small part of our body, but its power is incredibly great--with tremendous potential both for good and for evil.  The Apostle James teaches us some…

Doubling Up with James

May 26, 2019
This Sunday we will explore a pair of important messages from the Apostle James.  And in doing so, we'll see how adept James is at "doubling up" his message.  If…
This Sunday we begin a sermon series on the Book of James. The opening verses tell us something unique about the Christian attitude toward our suffering, trials and difficulties.  We…
There are many examples of godly mothers in the Bible, but perhaps one of those who often is overlooked had as big of an impact as most any other.  Join…
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