Sermon Notes

Homecoming Sunday

September 16, 2018
We are excited to have Dale Robertson present what's on his heart for our Homecoming message this Sunday at 11 a.m., followed by a meal at noon  in our fellowship…
There is only one way to finally deal with any anger in your life.  Join us for worship this Sunday and found out what it is.

Dealing with Anger

September 2, 2018
Perhaps the dominate emotion in our country today is anger.  It is literally tearing the fabric of our society apart.  The Holy Spirit and  God's Word provide us with the…
We live in a world that bombards us with all kinds of distracting "noise pollution."  Sometimes it gets so "noisy" that we can hardly hear when God speaks.  Therefore, it…
Have you ever failed to hit the "saved" button on your laptop or computer and all that work you have been typing was simply lost forever.  What a terrible feeling!--It…

Losing God’s Word

August 5, 2018
What would you think if you went into a church one Sunday and looked around and there were no Bibles.  The pastor walks in, but he does not have a…
What does a nation look like that forgets about God?  Join us this Sunday and you will see that it looks a lot like us.
Jesus went into a synagogue one Sabbath day and touched a woman who had been bent over in pain for 18 years.  And with His touch, she was made straight. …
If you have never tended your fig tree, then now is the time to start before it is too late.  Join us for worship service this Sunday and you will…
Our world is filled with all kinds of disasters--mass shootings and natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, etc.  Have you ever thought about why these things happen?  Jesus has the…
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